Threat Assessment


A threat assessment is a crucial tool for organizations to identify and mitigate potential risks to their operations. Bartell Investigations consultants are CPTED certified.  Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles play a pivotal role in enhancing security. By strategically applying CPTED, our approach focuses on designing environments that deter threats. This includes optimizing lighting, landscaping, and access points to discourage malicious activity. The integration of natural surveillance and territorial reinforcement ensures a safer environment, aligning with our commitment to proactive threat mitigation through thoughtful design. Choose our services for a comprehensive threat assessment that leverages CPTED principles to create secure and resilient spaces.


Risk Identification

A threat assessment helps identify potential risks and vulnerabilities specific to the organization. It allows for a comprehensive understanding of internal and external threats that could impact business operations.

Resource Allocation

By understanding potential threats, organizations can allocate resources more effectively. This includes financial resources, personnel, and technology to address and mitigate identified risks.

Security Measures

Threat assessments inform the development and implementation of appropriate security measures. This could involve physical security enhancements, cybersecurity protocols, or employee training programs to address specific threats.

Insurance Advantages

Insurance providers often require a thorough threat assessment to determine coverage and premiums. A comprehensive assessment can demonstrate to insurers that the organization is proactive in risk management, potentially leading to more favorable insurance terms.

Business Continuity

Identifying potential threats allows organizations to develop robust business continuity plans. This ensures that, in the event of a disruption, there are measures in place to maintain essential functions and minimize downtime.

Regulatory Compliance

Many industries have specific regulations regarding security and risk management. Conducting a threat assessment helps ensure compliance with these regulations, avoiding potential legal issues and penalties.

Reputation Management

Proactive threat assessments contribute to a positive public image. Stakeholders, including clients and partners, are likely to have increased confidence in an organization that takes steps to identify and address potential threats.

Cost Savings

Identifying and mitigating risks early on can save an organization substantial costs in the long run. This includes avoiding financial losses from security breaches, legal liabilities, and potential damage to the organization’s reputation.

Employee Safety

Threat assessments contribute to creating a safer working environment for employees. Identifying and addressing potential threats enhances workplace safety, morale, and overall employee well-being.

Strategic Planning

The insights gained from a threat assessment inform strategic planning. Organizations can align their goals and objectives with a clear understanding of the risks they face, ensuring a more resilient and adaptive business strategy.

A threat assessment is valuable for organizations as it provides a systematic approach to identifying, prioritizing, and mitigating risks. It is an integral part of overall risk management and contributes to the organization’s security, resilience, and strategic planning efforts.

Dean Waddell

Leading Threat Assessment Expert

Dean Waddell has over a decade of experience in emergency management, physical security assessments, and risk mitigation. A retired police officer, Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) Instructor, certified consultant in Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) & Tactical Emergency Care Casualty (TECC/NAEMT), Dean is a respected nationwide expert in emergency preparedness, de-escalation, and security planning. His experience includes conducting threat assessments for over 200 institutions nationwide and developing emergency operations plans for organizations across California.

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